Merit Aktiva – Magento 2 integration

Sales invoices from Magento 2 to Merit Aktiva.
The sales invoice from Magento 2 is automatically transferred to Merit Aktiva.
Receipts from Magento 2 to Merit Aktiva.
In the case of a paid order, a payment is created for the invoice in Merit Aktiva if the seller desires.
Credit invoices from Magento 2 to Merit Aktiva.
Creating credit invoices for returned goods in Merit Aktiva.
Inventory updates
According to the company’s processes, product inventory levels are synchronized.
What is Merit Aktiva?
Merit Aktiva is a modern accounting software that offers several features, such as automatic tax calculation, preparation of various reports, and document management. It is designed for both small and large enterprises, helping them organize and monitor their financial status and meet accounting requirements. Accounting helps a company track its cash flow and financial condition.
What is Magento 2?
What is the integration between Merit Aktiva and Magento 2?