Ongoing WMS – FedEx integration
Orders from Ongoing WMS to FedEx
The order is automatically moved to FedEx for shipment. If there are goods to be cleared through customs, a customs invoice is generated by the interface before the shipment is created in FedEx. Later, these are linked.
Commercial Invoice PDF generation
Integration generates Commercial Invoice and uploads it to the FedEx system. Later it will be also uploaded to Ongoing WMS to order files.
Shipment, tracking, and customs invoice to Ongoing WMS
The necessary information is sent back from the FedEx platform to the warehouse management software Ongoing WMS so that the goods can be dispatched.
What is Ongoing WMS?
Ongoing WMS (Warehouse Management System) is warehouse management software that helps optimize warehouse operations. Ongoing WMS automates various warehouse processes such as inventory tracking, order picking, shipping, and receiving.
What is FedEx?
What is the Ongoing WMS and FedEx integration?